Saturday Mornings: 9:00am – 10:0am

DROP-IN Classes – $10.00 per family member/per class

(*Large family discounts may be offered for 4 people or more from the same family)

November 2021 February 2022

Come together as a family and experience art-making with one another! (Ages 3 & up, no limit 😉 )

Each week, participants will learn something new to create a unique artwork using an approach that helps us to connect with one another. Utilizing different artistic media and techniques we will learn fun and exciting ways to create art and will have each other to inspire, ask questions, and give feedback to throughout the process.

This class is a fun way for any family members to come together, learn something, and have a great time making art!! Bring your kids, come with your brother or sister, or invite a grandparent and enjoy the morning activities as a collective. A great time will be had by all!